Good Kingdom
In India, and in Hinduism, “Heaven” is referred to as “Good Kingdom.” India may indeed be oft associated with the concepts of Karma, Brahman, reincarnation. Yoga, poverty; many ideas and traditions common in the West have in the East their genesis (pick up a local newspaper and look for an upcoming “mindfulness” event). But, what is less common, in both India itself and in conversations about India, is Christianity.
In 2007, for about one month, I lived amongst Christian villages and educational centers in and around the eastern, costal state Odisha. I made new friends. I witnessed life and death. I myself had a rebirthing. This, also, was my first foray into photographic curiosity. Several months after I returned to the United States, however, Hindu extremists attacked my new friends; a few of the raped women decided to end their own lives.
“Good Kingdom” is my feeling that we all have one thing in common: we are common, and no one has all the answers. I will forever remember what a young blind boy cried to me: “SIR, I WILL SEE YOU IN HEAVEN.” I am very interested in creating a fine art “zine” (a miniature magazine), clamshell pocket, or box out of this body of work. My tentative title is: “India Compositions Vol. 1: Good Kingdom.”